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In the city and in the country.
Урок по английскому языку в 4 классе. Урок построен по структурам Сингапурской методики преподавания.
Шарафиева Лилия Ахатовна , учитель английского языка II квалификационной категории Новошашинской средней школы Атнинского района.
Цель урока: систематизация и обобщение знаний, умений и навыков обучающихся по теме «Город и село».
Задачи урока.
Совершенствование лексических навыков и закрепление грамматических структур по теме;
Совершенствование навыков аудирования;
Реализация умения использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии на уроке;
Формирование и развитие коммуникативные умения и навыки;
Развитие творческих способностей детей.
Воспитательные :
Воспитывать уважение к собеседнику;
Учить управлять эмоциями в игровых ситуациях;
Сотрудничества и работы в команде;
Оборудование: Мультимедийный проектор, наглядность, раздаточный материал, презентация , колонки, компьютер

Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент
T. Hello everybody. How are you today? I hope you are good. Are you happy? I hope so. Are you ready to have our English lesson? (Good morning ! I am fine, thank you. Yes, we are. Always ready)
-Садимся на свои места в группе по 4 ученика. Давайте поприветствуем своих партнеров по плечу shoulder partners , с партнерами по лицу face partners.

II Речевая разминка

“Clock Buddies”
Я вам предлагаю теперь назначить встречу своим одноклассникам. На листе бумаги нарисуйте, пожалуйста, часы, укажите время: 12ч, 3ч, 6ч, 9ч. А так же напишите дни недели напротив каждого времени.
Звучит музыка, вы двигаетесь, как только музыка остановится, назначаете встречу и записываете с кем, задаем вопрос: “What are you doing on Sunday at 6 o’clock? Let’s go for a walk together/ let’s go to the park or cinema…” – отработка грамм. материала «Предлоги». Не забудьте поблагодарить.

III Актуализация опорных знаний.
T: Dear children,
I have got a surprise for you, it is a crossword. If you solve it, you’ll see new word Good luck!
У вас на партах для каждой группы-кроссворд.- предложения.
Ученик №1-читает задание, все обдумывают, №4-записывает ответ.
1) There are a lot of beautiful …… next to his house.
2) There are a lot of trees in the …..
3) There is a long new next to his house.
4) We like to live on the
5) The farmer rides his favourite
6) A is a large farm animal. It gives milk.
7) Many people in Russia live in the
8) A is a farm animal. It gives wool and meat.
9) There are ten sheep and a cow in the green
Time is over! Have you got right answers? Let’s check up!
New word ( farmhouse)
IV Основная часть.
T : Look at the slides children. What can you see in this slides?
( country and city)
Where do we live?
Would you like to live in the city?
Why do you like the city ( the roads are good and wide in the city, it is interesting in the city)
Would you like to live in the country? ( the houses are not small in the country, there is a river Ashit near our village, the gardens are big in the country.)
IV Физкультминутка.
Ok, we have just worked hardly, let’s have a rest. Come to me and play the game. Make 2 circles, inside circle and outside circle as in the previous lessons. You have already known the rules of this game. (ученики Pupils count to 7, 5, or 3, or 9…, then they stop and e.g.
- who has the longest hair says compliments to his/her face partner;
- who has a white shirt says about his/her face partner’s eyes;
- who has black shoes says about his/her face partner’s hair;
who has blue eyes says about his/her face partner’s clothes…выполняют задания)
V Контроль домашнего задания.
T. By the way, you homework was to prepare some proverbs about our Motherland. Did you find them?
Home sweet home.
East or West home is the best.
There’s no place like home.
Well done!
1. VI Работа над аудированием.

T: We have revised a lot of words. Now listen to the story about our native village New Shashi and try to understand it.
T:We live in New Shashi . It is a big and beautiful village. Here we can see green fields, nice gardens with apple-trees. There is a river Ashit near New Shashi. In summer we can swim there. The houses are small but nice. There is a school in our village. In the morning the children go to school. In the fields we can see a lot of cows, sheep and horses.
I like New Shashi very much.
T: Do you understand the text?
Have you got any questions?

T: Look at the screen, read the sentence and write true or false.
(T: Let’s check your answers. You can see the right answers on the screen. Who has no mistakes?

1 Our village is small.
2 Here we can see green fields, nice gardens with apple-trees.
3 The houses are tall and nice.
4 In the morning the children go to school.
T Well done. You know a lot about your village.
VII Домашнее задание.
(Объяснение домашнего задания)
VIII Подведение итогов.
T:. Let’s finish our lesson with the short poem.
Mind the clock
And keep the rule.
Try to come
In time to school!
Thank you for the lesson!
See you on Thursday.