Контрольная работа для 11 класса за 1 полугодие по учебнику авторов О.В. Афанасьевой и И.В. Михеевой
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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение "Средняя общеобразовательная школа №5 с углубленным изучением английского языка города Азнакаево" Азнакаевского муниципального района Республики Татарстан

Контрольная работа для 11 класса за 1 полугодие по учебнику авторов О.В. Афанасьевой и И.В. Михеевой
Галиуллина Гульназира Музагитовна
первая квалификационная категория
учитель английского языка

2013 г.

Контрольная работа для 11 класса за 1 полугодие по учебнику авторов О.В. Афанасьевой и И.В. Михеевой
Цель проведения:
1. Проверить усвоение употребления видо-временных форм английского глагола.
2. Контроль усвоения употребления фразового глагола “to carry.”
3. Контроль усвоения соблюдения порядка слов в предложении.
1.Use the right form of the verbs:
1) When I (to come) to Pete’s house last Sunday, he (to read) a new book. He (to say) he (to give) it to me soon. Today I (to take) it from him. Now I (to read) it.
2) When will he come? We (to wait) for him for half an hour already.
3) The day (to be) cold and it (to rain). When I (to reach) home, my raincoat (to be) all wet. I (to take) it off, (to shake) the water off it, (to hang) it up and (to go) into the living room. My children (to play) on the carpet. When they (to see) me, they (to jump) up and (to run) up to me.
4) The old lady was happy: she (not to see) her son for three years.
5) What you (to do) yesterday? How many pages you (to translate) for today?

2.Complete the sentences. Use : away, on, out, through.
1) Nick decided to carry---- with his studies at the University.
2) They determined to carry---the necessary reforms.
3) They carried---their plan.
4) Children carried---talking in spite of being noisy.
5) Helen couldn’t carry---her promise.
6) Let’s not be carried---, we have a lot of work to do.

3.Some of the sentences are not ideal. Improve the word order in them.
1) Helen found a book in the corner of the room covered in dust.
2) You can see a lot of interesting places walking about the town.

3) The lost book was discovered by the boy in a plastic bag.
1.1) Came, was reading. Said, would give. Have taken, am reading.
2) Have been waiting.
3) Was, was raining. Reached, was, took, shook, hung, went. Saw, jumped, ran.
2. 1) on
2) out
3) through
4) on
5) through
6) away
3.1) Helen found a book covered in dust in the corner of the room.
2) You can see a lot of interesting places walking about the town.
3) The lost book in a plastic bag was discovered by the boy.

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