Еда. Активизация навыка изучающего чтения и монологической речи.
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Разработка урока на тему:
Еда. Активизация навыка изучающего чтения и монологической речи.

Преподаватель: Гарипова Р.Р.,
учитель английского языка
2 квалификационной категории.

2013 год
Цели: активизация навыка изучающего чтения и монологической речи по теме «Еда».
- закрепление лексики по теме «Еда»;
- ознакомление с речевым образцом to be made from;
- обучение монологическому высказыванию по данной теме;
- развитие и совершенствование познавательного интереса.
- развитие и совершенствование навыков произношения, навыков аудирования;
- развитие навыков изучающего чтения и вопросно- ответной работы по тексту.
- привитие уважительного отношения к традициям и блюдам других народов.
Речевой материал: лексика по теме «Еда».
Оснащение: учебник М.З.Биболетова «Enjoy English» 5-6 классы; мультимедийная доска, презентация «Food».
Литература: Дзюина Е.В. Поурочные разработки по английскому языку.- Москва, Вако, 2006;
700 английских рифмовок. Составитель Захарченко И.А.- М.,Владос, 1999; интернет- ресурсы «Яндекс- Картинки».
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент.
- Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you. How are you? How are your parents?
- Who is on duty today?
II. Фонетическая зарядка.
1. How many fruits can you rhyme with “berry”?
Blackberry, blueberry, cranberry, cherry.
But what about strawberry, raspberry, gooseberry,
What about huckleberry?
How many fruits can you rhyme with “berry”?
Blackberry, blueberry, cranberry, cherry.
2. Now let’s practice the English sounds and words on the topic “Food”. I’ll show you the English sounds and you will name the words with this sound.
[s] – soup, juice, rice
[i] – biscuits, milk, coffee
[d] – dinner, dish, salad
[p] – pizza, pudding, plate
[k] – cake, cream, breakfast
[l] – chocolate, lemon, apple
[w] – sandwich, sweets.
III. Речевая разминка.
I’ve prepared some questions for you. Get ready to answer and be attentive.
- Did you go shopping yesterday?
- Do you like to eat sweets?
- Can you buy a loaf of bread?
- Do you have a cup of tea for lunch?
- Can you eat many cucumbers?
- Do you drink much tea?
- Will you eat a bar of chocolate for breakfast tomorrow?
- Did you buy some chocolate yesterday?

IV.Проверка домашнего задания.
Your hometask was to prepare the stories about your relatives’ taste. Let’s listen to your stories. Please, be attentively while listening and get ready to ask the speakers some questions.
Прослушивание рассказов учащихся.
Example: We have very different tastes in our family. My dad likes meat and all the dishes prepared with it: sticks, pelmeni, uchpochmak. My mum has a sweet tooth. She enjoys drinking tea with cakes, sweets, chak-chak. As for my brother, his favourite food is fish. He admires fried fish, fish soup, fish sandwiches, fish salad. What about me? I like neither meat nor fish. I am a vegetarian. I enjoy eating fruits and vegetables. I would eat apples all the year round! I am happy when my mum bakes pies with apples, cherries or apricots. I think it is not easy for her to cook dinner for us where everyone could enjoy with his favourite meal.
Вопросно-ответная работа.
V.Закрепление лексики по теме продукты.
Last lesson we learnt some new words on the topic “ Food”. Look at the pictures and remember them.
Ученики называют продукты на картинках.
VI.Ознакомление с речевыми образцами to be made from и to be made of.
Today we’ll learn to say what these dishes made from. We use the expression “to be made from” on order to inform about the product which was completely changed during the preparing. And the expression “to be made of” is used when the ingredients weren’t changed. For example, “The sandwich was made of cheese and ham”.
Учащиеся составляют предложения о том, из чего сделаны продукты на картинках.

VII. Физкультминутка.
Now, children let’s exercise our bodies.
Hands up! Clap, clap, clap!
Hands down! Shake, shake, shake!
Hands on hips! Jump, jump, jump!
Hop, hop, hop! Stand still! Sit down!

VIII. Развитие навыков чтения вслух и вопросно-ответной работы по тексту.
Now , open your textbooks on page 133.
It’s time to read the text about English tastes. We’ll read it aloud in a chain and answer the question from the task.
Читают текст из упр. 34 стр.133, затем отвечают на вопросы.
- When do the British people usually eat sandwiches?
- There are few sandwich shops in London, aren’t there?
- What kind of sandwiches can you name?
- How many slices of bread does each sandwich have?
- Do foreigners like English sandwiches?
- Do English people drink much tea?
- Why do not foreigners like English tea?
IX. Итоги урока. Оценки. Домашнее задание.
Our lesson is over. You have worked well. Here are you marks for the lesson . write down your homework: ex.10 p. 141
Children, stand up and …
Raise your head!
Jump up high!
Wave your hand!
And say “Good-bye!”

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